
Mr. Matthew Myers, MS, MPA

Founder, DrugImpairment.com, United States

Matt Myers is the Assistant Chief of Police for Peachtree City, Georgia, and founder of
DrugImpairment.com, an e-learning platform connecting toxicologists, law enforcement, and
forensic practitioners with top instructors in drug impairment. He has over 20 years of law
enforcement experience, serving as a Drug Recognition Expert (DRE) Instructor. Matt holds a
master’s in clinical toxicology from the University of Florida College of Pharmacy and has
completed advanced education in pharmacology and toxicology from the Center for Forensic
Science Research & Education and Harvard Medical School Extension. He serves on multiple
boards, including the IACP Roadway Safety Committee and NSC's Alcohol, Drugs, and Impairment
Division, contributing to standards and curriculum development in drug impairment assessment.